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Das Tigerauge: Ein Edelstein der Zuversicht und des Gleichgewichts

Tiger's Eye: A gemstone of confidence and balance

Das Tigerauge: Ein Edelstein der Zuversicht und des Gleichgewichts

Tiger's Eye: A gemstone of confidence and balance

If you have ever been fascinated by the beauty of a gemstone that seems to hold the secrets of the universe in its depths, then you have probably come across the fascinating Tiger's Eye . With its ...

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Chokers: Mit Stil und Attitüde einen neuen Blick auf die Welt der Accessoires werfen!

Chokers: Take a new look at the world of accessories with style and attitude!

When it comes to fashion, some trends come and go faster than you can say "trendsetter". But one accessory that has stood the test of time is the choker. Adding a touch of elegance to an outfit or ...

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Brass jewelry is an absolute gem in the world of jewelry! Its timeless appeal, environmental friendliness and endless versatility make it a real hit.

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Labradorit: Strahlende Edelsteine mit mystischer Anziehungskraft

Labradorite: Radiant gemstones with mystical appeal

Labradorite stones are incredibly fascinating gemstones that effortlessly combine beauty, metaphysical properties and cultural significance. From its captivating play of colors to its numerous uses...

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Der Mondstein: Ein mystischer Edelstein für die weibliche Energie und innere Ruhe

Moonstone: A mystical gemstone for female energy and inner peace

Moonstone embodies feminine energy, new beginnings and inner harmony. Whether used as jewelry, decoration or for spiritual practices, moonstone has a fascinating appeal and points the way to peace ...

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Hand mit funkelnden Edelsteinringen: Eine Schmuckkollektion, die die Magie der Edelsteine einfängt
Bedeutung von Edelsteinen

Gemstones: Sparkling treasures with special properties

In this blog post we at Nooe Berlin would like to dive into the world of gemstones with you! If you're like me, you're drawn to their sparkling colors and unique beauty.

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