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Mondstein: Der Edelstein, der deiner Seele zuflüstert

Moonstone: The gemstone that whispers to your soul

Mondstein: Der Edelstein, der deiner Seele zuflüstert
Bedeutung von Edelsteinen

Moonstone: The gemstone that whispers to your soul

Do you believe in the magic of the moon? If so, you're in for a treat! Moonstones have been enchanting hearts for centuries with their celestial beauty and mystical powers. We at Nooe Berlin are de...

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DIE BALI COLLECTION: A Touch of Paradise

THE BALI COLLECTION: A Touch of Paradise

We are happy to share great news with you! Nooe Berlin is pleased to present its latest project, the BALI COLLECTION , which was born after months of inspiration and creativity. I recently visited ...

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Kundenstorys - Vom Irrtum zur Freude: Wie ein einfacher Umtausch die wahre Schönheit echter Edelsteine enthüllte
Bedeutung von Edelsteinen

Customer Stories - From Mistake to Joy: How a Simple Exchange Revealed the True Beauty of Real Gemstones

Do you know the feeling when you receive a long-awaited package and then realize that something isn't quite right? We've all been there. At Nooe Berlin, we try to turn these little mishaps into hea...

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Unsere Rainbow-Necklace: Eine Sinfonie aus Steinen für deine Sommerlaune
boho jewelry

Our Rainbow Necklace: A symphony of stones for your summer mood

Our best-selling rainbow necklace is not just a piece of jewelry, but a wearable celebration of the vibrant energy and beauty of summer. Available in gold plated and solid 925 sterling silver, this...

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about us


Have you ever wondered how our pieces of jewelry are created that catch your eye and conquer your heart? Welcome to the world of Nooe Berlin, where creativity and craftsmanship come together in a m...

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